Unfortunately our address is not able to be found on most GPS navigation systems.
We are located at 2282 Mount Barker Rd Hahndorf, SA 5245.
If you can't find us using your GPS you can manually enter our location is - Latitude: -35.0506772 Longitude: 138.84134419999998
Take the Hahndorf exit from the Freeway if you're coming from Adelaide and turn right at the roundabout to head into the township of Hahndorf. Drive all the way through the town and we are just 2kms up the road past Beerenberg Strawberry Farm after you head out of Hahndorf from the eastern side (away from the city).
Catch the 864 or 864F bus from Grenfell St stop G2 and get off at stop 58 which is just at the end of our driveway!
If you're looking for accommodation in and around the Hahndorf Farm Barn, please go to www.hotelscombined.com.au